Chameleon Guitar

chameleonMy former student Mark alerted me to the Chameleon Guitar, a new acoustic-electric hybrid that uses computer processing to make realistic acoustic tone. I was impressed with their audio files, and then astounded to watch a video and realize that they have the body size of a typical Strat.

Comments 7

  1. Thanks for this post. Innovations in music are indeed good and exciting. Chameleon guitar is an electric instrument with a swappable soundboard. Changing the soundboard to one of a different wood or structure dramatically changes the tone of the instrument. The sound can be further tweaked to simulate various soundboard shapes. though we can be skeptical about it, it won’t hurt much if we give it a try. After all, we look forward to an improved and technologically advanced musical instrument – the high-tech guitar. Cheers!

  2. I had actually read about one of these somewhere else. I think its very interesting. I have never played one but would like to know if the action is more of an electric guitar or an accoustic guitar?

  3. I’m really impressed with the tone coming out of this instrument. I’m all for interesting new instruments too and I think we’re probably going to see a lot of innovation over the next few years to help spur sales in a static market. Like Joe, who posted before me, I’m curious to know how the action is as well. It would be great to have a nice close action but a good acoustic tone.

  4. In the video the sound the acoustic version seemed to be pretty good. I have no doubt in my mind that a true acoustic or electric sound can be replicated by a computer. Look at all the modeling products on the market. My major concern about this is the look. The narrator asked a question at the start of the video. “Why has there been no change in guitars in over 50 years is it because we are traditionalist?” I guess to some degree I am. I am concerned not so much about the sounds but about the look of the guitar to me a guitar has to first thing sound great, second play great, and then third and I suppose this makes me a little vain but needs to look good. To me a guitar is more than just an instrument it is almost a piece of art. I like the finishes the wood grains the colors and even the pickups gold chrome whatever. So I guess I am all for the computer recreation. But in the end let’s try to maintain some of the beauty on the art end of the instrument.

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